When Microsoft is expiriencing system breaks, they should allways inform customers, not just "som known issues!

According to Microsoft Support:


Hello Thomas,  

This error that you have got is from the outage that we had all over and it is not a problem in your ORG, however it is related to package in power apps or you can say a call stack and Stephan, as you asked for an ID unfrotunatley there is no specific ID for external use as this is a known issue and as mentioned this was global issue which was fixed by PG team, now in these scenarios we don't create any specific document as these issues can happen once in a while (may be once in a year) and we just share the details with client about the outage or the work that's been done.

some known issues are reported in admin portal as well, so once you login to power platform admin centre, there is a section called as known issues, which you can always refer.


I am concerned about the lack of specific documentation or an ID that could be referenced by clients externally. 

The suggestion that such global issues might occur "once in a while" without formal documentation or public advisories does not align with the standards of accountability and professionalism we expect from you, especially given the critical nature of these services to our business operations.

Category: Admin Center