The standard Vendors V2 (vendors) standard mapping has the below fields for the On hold status:

no, invoice, all, payment , requisition and never

while the vendors table itself has one more standard field called purchase order as showing below:

The purchase order field if used we get the below error:

Error is Unable to write data to entity msdyn_vendors.Writes to VendVendorV2Entity failed with error message Request failed with status code BadRequest and CDS error code : 0x80048d19

we can solve this by manually adding the purchase mapping value to the dualwrite which means we need to customize every time creating this mapping.

we are asking to change the standard dualwrite mapping by adding the value purchase order to the ONHOLDSTATUS mapping field for them not to face this in future implementation mentioned here:




reference for standard mapping: Dual-write mapping reference - Finance & Operations | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn 

Category: Dual write integration of Project Operations data