On Journal names form, for each journal we need to assign a voucher series i.e., a number sequence. However, for every period end, the same has to be manually changed by the user, if the Customer wants the voucher number series to be maintained in chronological manner.

For an Example for JV register, I have created a journal having type 'Daily' and assigned a voucher series starting as: JV-0001

As per the customer needs, they either want the voucher series to be maintained yearly or yearly and monthly basis such as: JV202223-0001 or JVJAN202223-0001, JVFEB202223-0001, likewise.

This requirement can be catered if on the journal names, a separate linked form is given on which rather than mentioning single number series, for different date ranges, we can specify different number sequence IDs.

Category: General Ledger