Hello everyone

I'm using Business Central 22.0.54157.54644 ad have started testing the new tool that allows me to undo shipments from Posted Transfer Shipment.

Currently, the inventory setup is done scuh a way that it's mandatory to use a location in the transactions.

During the tests, Business Central has not allowed me to unde the shipment. BC has shown me the attached message (New Location Code must have a value in Item Journal Line: Journal Template Name=, Journal Batch Name=, Line No.=0. It cannot be zero or empty.).

It seems that BC only allow me to undo the shipme if Mandatory Location is false at Inventory setup page.

In case I decide to disable mandatory location, BC works as expected. I mean, the item ledger created by BC is correct. It' created an positive adjustment to correct location. But I'm not 100% confortable to implement this setup since most of the customer decide to apply mandatory location and could happen many issues in the future.

I think this scenarios should be fixed to avoid possible issues.

Category: Warehousing
2023 Release Wave 2
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. It seems that requested feature has meanwhile been made available.

Andrei Panko
PM, Microsoft



As our most clients are also waiting for the solution. They are not agreeing to remove location mandatory setup.

Category: Warehousing