With a recent release (April 2019) Dynamics 365 Quick View Forms in Unified Interface now include a read-only lookup to the linked entity. This field cannot be customized, removed, hidden or be altered in any other way. Usually, when working with Quick View Forms as part of other forms that lookup would have been added to the form already, usually even immediately next to the Quick View Form (to provide users with a reasonable look & feel). If the customizable lookup field is read only it can simply be removed, no problem. On the other hand it becomes a problem when the customizable lookup field is supposed to be writable. In that case there will always be redundant information on the form showing the lookup once as writable and a second time as read-only. This is unnecessary and confuses the users. Idea: Ideally we would have an option to turn this new read-only lookup within the quick view form being visible or not via form customizing.

Category: General
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