

Use case - For retail outlet user they are allowed to see the Sell price but not purchase price. Reatail user have roles which do not allow them to see the purchase price in D365 F&O front end in any of the module/form/table.Issue - "summary by copilot when hovering it" feature is enabled they are able to see the purchase price upon hovering product from any page (Eg- Transfer order for the outlet store in D365) which i think is pulling the information from table level.In this case the security fails.I recommend the feature should also be controlled on basis of role/duty/privielege because data restricted if seen is not good for bussines.


This is a major issue for us, to have to change the date of every journal posting we do for each transaction and each asset. It should be able to use the set up Ledger calendar.


Similar suggestion for Project Ledger Entries. Journal out and back isn't even easily possible with Project Ledger Entries


It's very limiting not to have this feature available from JS. To build for more complex requirements where it is not a straight-related records filter, or to allow UI customisation to simplify the process for the User we really need the ability to add to the grid filter programmatically.


In almost all list screens, the oldest record is at the top. All users then click on column to sort it from Z-A. This is an extra action for the user, time delay and costs performance. Would like a generic solution (e.g. so that last sorting is preserved). 


This rule is "by design" and probably fair enough if it continues to do it this way.Using personalized alow posting from and to date was made to be able to handle G/L registrations and not specifically Inventor Revaluation. one of the reasons for ignoring user dates is many users tend to add Post Inventory to G/L is added as a Job Queue task and and not as a specific user. Therefore the system needs to take the settings from the G/L Setup table and not a user.


still highly requested by our clients! whilst the user IS allowed to create multiple quality orders for the same inventory dimensions, finishing those orders is not possible. We even did some modifications to avoid reservations/blockings. But then we still have an issue, as you cannot change the status of a partial quantity of a specific inventory dimension


Please prioritze this. With the nwe danish bookkeeping act, where everything needs an electronica document attached, database growth will explode


With the new Danish Bookkeepiong Act, this is a must. We have a customer with arounf 500.000 sales invoices pr. your. IF one PDF that is attached automatically fills 500kb, it is 250 Gb of database space pr. year


I think this was planned, but stopped since currently it's not clear which e-mail should then be used for which process/document by default.Would you expect the Sales order Confirmation to be send to this e-mail address or only the sales shipment?


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