I just found in the "Profile (Roles)" page you can set a Role as a "Use as default profile" . I am wondering if we set this for the generic role that all our users use (Business Manager) ... will it get set by default for a new user? so that would achieve the desired effect. I will try and test this.
Absolutely !! Profiles need to be added to BC EntraID Security Groups. Why not make it so we can just drop a person in an EntraID group and they are completely ready to go in BC? We can tie it to license assignement and Permission Sets... so profile is the only thing you have to remember now? Please add this so BC user management can be simple enough for a helpdesk to do :)
Lead detection (out of the box) only identifies a lead as a duplicate based on email address an phone.Duplicate leads are identified based on these rules:Same email addressSame phone numberSimilar name and company name Similar name and the same email domain The lead will not be flagged as a duplicate if the Company name ONLY is an identical match or even vaguely similar.Check should work on OR not what appears to be AND search perimeters