*** Troubleshooting Steps
Steps to reproduce
1. Go to USRT / Retail / Channel setup/ POS setup/ POS/ Screen layouts
2. Use Layout designer for Screen layout. Verify that Export/ Import option exists
3. Open designer for Button grid. Verify that there is not option to Export/ Import button grid
*** Actual Result:
Open designer for Button grid. Verify that there is not option to Export/ Import button grid
*** Expected result:
There should be option Export/ Import in Button grid design

*** What is the business impact to the customer?
We spend a lot of time creating a screenlayout and buttongrids. The screenlayout we can export/import through a button on the screenlayout designer app; an export is created in xml.

Ideas Administrator

Thank you for submitting this. It's true that the Button Grid designer does not have an import/export function, but it is possible to export button grids using the Data Management Framework in Commerce Headquarters. This blog post explains how to export and import screen layouts: https://community.dynamics.com/ax/b/dynamicsnotes/posts/move-pos-screen-layouts-from-one-environment-to-another.  Disclaimer: the process is incomplete for exporting complete screen layouts, but it can effectively be used to export and import button grids as well as other data entities. 



Data export/import framework should work well for Button grids. Did you try to use it?

Category: Store Operations and POS