The addition of Brand Profiles is a GREAT step in the right direction! We would love to see this feature expand to include:

  1. Conditional Content - would be nice to create "common" conditions that can be easily used across multiple emails (and other assets), at a brand level like what you did with common personalization tokens where we do not have to define/create form scratch each time.
  2. Dynamic Lists - would be nice to create "common" dynamic lists that be easily used across multiple emails at a brand level, like what you did with common personalization tokens where we do not have to define/create form scratch each time.
  3. Templates - would be nice to designate various email templates, and other templates, as brand specific. Many teams within an organization create views to see only emails or templates for their brand.
  4. Company Address - Emails require an address, that can change based on brand
  5. Subscription Center - Each brand may have their own subscription center
  6. Colors - This has been a major pain point of the editors - we have to repeatedly add our custom colors - especially painful in the text fields. Other settings now save recently used colors - text does not and when you highlight text, it doesn't show you what color was selected for it.
  7. Themes - How amazing would it be if we could select a brand's theme to apply to an email, form, page, etc. Like a template - but at a higher level and for brands.
  8. Styles - right now we have to customize the app to add new fields if we want our own unique styles for even standard items like an H1, H2, Paragraph, List etc. Allow us to set these styles at the brand level once and one.
  9. Duplicate/Copy - would be nice to select a brand profile, click copy, and save as a new version - would not require re-doing everything from the start.
  10. Personalization Tokens - common tokens set at brand level
Category: Email
Needs Votes