Selling Items in units of measures outside of base is common practice within business central and it is well catered for throughout BC.

However, when looking at item ledger entries, for items that have been sold outside of base, it can get confusing really quick, this is because:

A) Quantity is always converted back to base UoM on the ILE (As it should be)

B) The Unit of Measure displayed on the ILE is not converted back to base.

This can lead to scenarios where at a glance, and even at reports the Item ledger entry can make someone believe that they have sold a vastly different quantity than they actually have.

Currently in BC, the only way as standard to tell that an ILE was sold in a UoM outside of base (without knowing all items base UoM) is to look at the Quantity per field, which will display the correct conversion ratio between the one being displayed and Base.

So for the following scenario, if we're running a report of of analysis modes, or any other report pulling from ILE, our data could be inaccurate.

1) Item has base unit of measure of Each

2) Item has a sales unit of measure of Pack, which has a quantity per of 10 Each.

3)The item is sold on a Sales order with a quantity of 10 Packs

4)The Item ledger entry will display a quantity of 100 and a unit of measure of Packs

  • This looks as though we've sold 10x more than we have
  • This does not effect stock, just reporting.

As such, this suggestion is to add either of the two below options:

1) Ensure that the unit of measure displayed on the Item ledger entry is always base, so that it matches the Quantity.

2) Add additional fields:

  • Quantity Sales Unit of Measure
  • Base Unit of Measure.



Changing the way this works would be a breaking change, however the captions of the quantity fields on the Item Ledger Entry table are inconsistent and it would remove all confusion if these were changes to include '(Base)' so this is consistent with the rets of the application.

Category: Financial Management