Business case:

  • I have a grid for a table with a set up field, for example maintenance assets with multiple statusses
  • The statuses can be extended by set up
  • A few statuses are specific (for example the loaner in/out statuses)
  • I want to filter on all assets EXCEPT the ones available for loan and the ones lent out
  • I want to avoid filtering "is one of" for all other statuses, as I would need to maintain my view every time someone sets up another status
  • I cannot find any way to exclude assets for these two specific statuses by current filtering
  • Is one of for the two statuses prefixed with ! (even results in runtime error in some cases)
  • Combination of two Is not in the right filter pane (I think this does an OR instead of an AND)
  • Combination of two matches and ! in the right filter pane (I think this does an OR instead of an AND)

Could you please provide a working workaround to use the filters, or even better, provide an "Is not one of" option in the filtering. For the framework developers this should be an easy one add.

Category: User Experience