We have customers that do not allow App Registrations to be created for Multiple Tenants, but the current email integration uses the "common" endpoint thus requiring the App registration to be multi tenant.

I cannot see any reason or use cases where it makes sense that this App Registration is multi tenant, since you cannot add users to BC from another tenant AFAIK

I guess it can be fairly easily changed, by using the tenant specific endpoint in this:

procedure GetAzureADAuthEndpoint() AuthEndpoint: Text


    NavUserAccountHelper: DotNet NavUserAccountHelper;


    AuthEndpoint := NavUserAccountHelper.GetTokenAuthorityEndpointServerSetting();


    if AuthEndpoint = '' then begin

      Session.LogMessage('0000GN6', NoServerAuthEndpointTelemetryErr, Verbosity::Warning, DataClassification::SystemMetadata, TelemetryScope::ExtensionPublisher, 'Category', TelemetryCategoryLbl);


      if IsPPE() then

        AuthEndpoint := 'https://login.windows-ppe.net/'


        AuthEndpoint := 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/';



    exit(DelChr(AuthEndpoint, '>', '/') + '/common/oauth2/authorize');


Change common to the tenant id please. Alternatively make it a setting



Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for this suggestion! Currently this is not on our roadmap. We are tracking this idea and if it gathers more votes and comments we will consider it in the future. Best regards, Business Central Team