When a record has a null two option field, and the current user is being limited to only reading the field via a field security profile, auto save will not invoke nor can a manual save be done when the field is formatted as a checkbox

Repro Steps:
Create a new entity

Create a new record for this entity

Create a new Two Option field, also enable field security (on the created record - the boolean field is now null)

Add the new field to the form, format the field as a checkbox

Create a field security profile, make sure on this field you assign only Read access

On a non system admin user, make sure their security role has full permissions to new entity and add the user to the field security that can only read the new bool field

Open the existing record as the limited user, when trying to make a change to other form data, you will not be able to save.
Formatting the field to radio buttons solves the problem

Category: General
Ideas Administrator




Thank you for your response this seems to be a bug not a feature request. If you are still experiencing this issue on the latest release of CRM or feel it is of high importance please contact support to help identify and make sure this bug is entered and tracked for you as the customer. The feedback has been received. https://community.dynamics.com/crm/p/support.aspx The following link can help you with creating your support request. Thanks Larry

Category: General


Thank you for reaching out. Your suggestion seems to be a product bug. Please reach out to the relevant support channels as specified in Product support (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=616937). Sincerely, Daniel Dallala PM, Microsoft

Category: General