Clicking on the hyperlink on lookup field or subgrid record, opens the record of the related entity even though the related entity is not included in app designer.
Sometimes there are custom scripts added to the related entity's onload which is unsupported on mobile.�
So accessing above mentioned entity record displays error most of the time.
Hence it would be great if we can restrict access only to the entities included in app designer.

Repro Steps:
1. Create entity A and entity B with 1 to N mapping.
2. Add lookup field or subgrid to entity B in the main form of entity A.
3. Add entity A and main form to the custom app in app designer but not entity B.
4. Create record in entity A and fill up the lookup field/subgrid created above.
5. Open the record and click on the hyperlink of lookup field / subgrid record

Expected Results:
Nothing happens as the entity B is not added to the app designer

Actual Results:
entity B record related to lookup/subgrid is getting opened.�
Category: General
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