Background -

Indirect customers may have credit card terms and have a tokenized card reference on file used when their orders are fulfilled and shipped to collect the funds when the orders are shipped. Also, Direct customers may be part of a product subscription service where select items are shipped to them, automatically, once a month or once a quarter. The Direct customers would also have a tokenized credit card reference on file to charge when each shipment is processed. It is possible that the card on file could expire in the time between when it was placed on file and when it is scheduled to be shipped. We want to be proactive, contacting customers in advance, prior to the shipment date to ensure we have a valid card once the items are ready for shipment to prevent shipment delays.

Other than the credit and collections processing and the retail transaction processing, I have not found any other built-in automatic email notification for proactively contacting customers with open orders or subscriptions when their card has expired or is about to expire.

Request to Microsoft -

Add built in function that will email customers, utilization the customer pools, similar to how past due invoice are handled for customers with open sales orders or active subscriptions that have (tokenized) expired cards or cards expected to expire within a specified number of days.
