Sales Orders (lines) has the functionality / ability to process Assembly Orders automatically, during Shipment posting. If the posted item set to Replenishment system = Assembly, and Assembly Policy = Assemble-to-Order.

Same functionality should be available for the Jobs as well.
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. The requested functionality was released.

Andrei Panko
PM, Microsoft



this option is appreciated as we "combine items" while engineering the project. The use quantities are assembled in a different area and later on again combined into a shipment to the project locations. We now use this option in Sales orders, but for reasons we need to move to projects to have better control over all partial shipments and resource planning

Category: Project Management


How would this be shipped from the job as a finished good? Are you proposing that the assembly is completed in the background so that the job will consume the finished good (assembled item)?

Category: Project Management


Also it would be great to get an option on assemble to order to update the assembly before the shipment.

Category: Project Management