Getting error message "Error Number = 6270 Stored Procedure= taRMUnapplyTransaction Error Description = Document number (DOCNUMBR) does not exist." with eConnect call for the taRMUnapplyTransaction where the invoice has the child customer number and Payment has national customer number. It does not appear eConnect RMUnapply was designed to work with National Accounts. We had a particular requirement to register payments under a national account customer and apply those payments to customer invoices. We did not run into issues with the econnect methods of taRMCashReceiptInsert and taRMApply with national accounts. Also, the payment can be unapplied manually in GP. Therefore it was a surprise that the taRMUnapplyTransaction would not work with national accounts. When working with National Accounts, taRMUnapplyTransaction econnect call would return one of the following errors: 1. Error Number = 6270 Stored Procedure= taRMUnapplyTransaction Error Description = Document number (DOCNUMBR) does not exist. 2. Error Number = 6293 Stored Procedure= taRMUnapplyTransaction Error Description = Apply document number does not exist. 3. Error Number = 8328 Stored Procedure= taRMUnapplyTransaction Error Description = There are no documents to unapply.

Ideas Administrator

Thanks for the suggestion.
With the Lifecycle of Dynamics GP at this time, this suggestion would be out of scope.
Review this new developer section for eConnect procs.
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Terry Heley