Today it is only possible to settle transactions that equal zero, and my suggestion is to make it possible to perform partial settlements.
For instance, you have a voucher that is accrued over a period of 6 months, January to June. It would be great to settle monthly, so that the report at any given time shows the remaining amount.
Category: General Ledger
Ideas Administrator

The ability to partially ledger settle has been added to the 10.0.42 release.  In addition, as part of the same feature we added support for automatic ledger settlement when the AR/AP settlement happens. 



Hi. Do you have an update on when you are planning to focus on partial settlement? I get feedback from other finance consultants that ledger settlement is not a functionality that they promote when implementing D365 FO for a client, and that has much to do with not being able to partially settle.

Category: General Ledger