Good Day,

On upgrades to v25 I am getting the following error:

Error: The Sustainability Setup does not exist. Identification fields and values: Primary Key=''

It appears that despite not using the sustainability module, the setup requirements are still being checked preventing the creation of PI/PO lines.

Is this a bug or part of the feature that will require setting up for all our customers?

Category: Purchasing
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for reaching out. Your suggestion seems to be a product bug. Please reach out to the relevant support channel as specified in Product Support following information on link below:
For this particular feature, you can unistall this extension from environment if your user doens't want to use it.

Aleksandar Totovic
PM, Microsoft



Had this issue recently in a clone of our go live environment in Business Central and could not figure out why the error was coming up. It was happening for multiple users with different levels of permissions. When entering a purchase order or going into a purchase order you could not see any of the Purchase order lines at all. The only thing you saw where the lines were supposed to be was the Sustainability Setup does not exist. I tried a few things but what fixed it for me was..Navigate to Users inside of Business CentralClick on the user you know if having the errorAdd these 3 permission sets to the specific user and saveSUSTAINABILITY ADMINSUSTAINABILITY EDITSUSTAINABILITY READAfter I added those the user refreshed the page and the error was gone and the purchase order lines were there and they were able to add info into the fields as usual. I believe since its a new feature this is a bug that microsoft will fix in a minor release but adding these permission sets to the users that are getting the error fixed it for us for now as a workaround. Hope this helps!

Category: Purchasing


Hi,Error: The Sustainability Setup does not exist. Identification fields and values: Primary Key=''.This would allow a user to enter Purchase invocie lines.any help is appreciated.ThanksVijaya

Category: Purchasing