Wish we future feature the option to embed AI from projects and operations for purpose to easy convey task completion, convey payments and easy forecast and compare versus actuals contractors or vendors or terms phrases or confirmation phrases to set or evaluate a project to completion and easy convey payments.

Not featuring AI forecast embedded sentiment phrases for purpose to evaluate completion or convey payments, we may not easily comply with project completion evaluation by 3rd parties.
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Note: For purpose to easy mass assembly a contract responsible, terms, conditions, payments, project task completion, progress completion evaluation, evaluation by 3rd parties, identify and evaluate AI sentiment analysis or phrase technology versus actual phrases or sentiment phrases speech recognized and convey and evaluate mass contract along with conveyed payments, payment retention etc.

Not featuring a forecast AI technology, we may potentially not easy evaluate project mass assembly contract along with terms, conditions, conveying payments, tasks completions, knowledge transfers, etc...

Category: Project Planning and Tracking