1. In Timesheet when intercompany resource need to fill time why they should select legal entity first, they should select the project ID and legal entity should flow from project selected. Current design fails in big companies where employees working on projects are not aware of legal entity and project relation they just know which project they are working. 2. Revenue recognition and invoicing to customer should not be dependent on intercompany invocing by lending entity. Time & cost of intercompany resources already flown to borrowing entity project so borrowing entity should be free to run its revenue and invoicing without waiting for lending entity to post its intercompany customer invoice. These 2 things will make implementation much easy in multi company structure. Happy to hear back. Sushil Sharma

Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for the suggestion! This has been added to our roadmap and will be considered for a future release.


Kim Nelson

Program Manager, Project management and accounting 



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Category: Project Resource Management