Currently, “Read Only” checkbox is a only option to prohibit User to edit data in Excel sheet with Excel Addin.
However, it is allow user who open Excel sheet to turn off/on “Read Only” checkbox manually.

In the case of sharing a Excel sheet that contains Data through Excel Addin with multiple worker, we may need to prohibit some workers to edit or any other operation for Excel Addin.
In that case, it is helpful for us to have some feature to disable Excel Addin feature in Excel sheet , of hidden Excel Addin UI so that worker can’t see it when they open Excel sheets that contains records that get through Excel Addin, actually.
Category: General
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We have several customer who want to limit "Open in excel" but keep "Export to excel" for some users and to limit all excel functionality for some users i.e. role based function to turn off/on these two functionalities.

Category: General