The calculation for Total Tax does not take into consideration the Quote discount (%) discount applied to the quote.

1. The calculation for Total Amount does the calculation from Total Pre-Freight Amount and Total Tax.
1.1. The calculation for Total Pre-Freight Amount takes into consideration the Quote Discount.
1.2. The calculation for Total Tax does not take into consideration the Quote Discount.

What needed:
The Total Tax needs to be reduced because it has to be calculated from Total Pre-Freight Amount and not only to be sum from the Quote Lines Taxes as theses lines has not the Quote discount (%) applied.

Please contact meif needs.

Note: On the Documentation is informed how the fields are calculated and the system matches it but as I have exposed previously I don't think it's OK.

Amount LineTax ExtendedAmount
QuoteLine1 130 27,3 157,3
QuoteLine2 2511 527,31 3038,31
Total Detail Amount 2641
Total Detail Tax 554,61

Quote Discount 3% 3%
Total Discount Amount 79,23
Total Discount Tax 16,6383
Total Pre-Freight Amount 2561,77
Total Pre-Freight Tax 537,9717

Actually Asked
Total Tax 554,61 537,97
Total Amount 3116,38 3099,7417
Category: Opportunity
Needs Votes



Please address, this is causing Total errors

Category: Opportunity