Modern Advanced find has a couple of gaps it appears.

  1. Most customers use it for routing exports across multiple entities. They are finding it cumbersome to not have all of their saved views accessible from one list. One customer has 50 views across several entities and it is difficult to jump around and remember which entity individual views are on.
  2. Example: The export from a view from order products. Before, they wouldn't have to remember if it was under order products or orders, they'd go to the saved views in one place without having to know the entity. Now they have to jump around between multiple entities.
  3. When doing a search and putting criteria like, "Owner =" all users except a few users, it seems they have to add them one by one and cannot mass select users and cannot change the lookup filter.
  4. Example: If I want to do an advanced find where Owner = A Stub user or Application User, I can't. I can only choose from Active users and there is no way to change the filter. That functionality really needs to be added in.

Category: General