When trying to process depreciation in batch (with post journals turned on) sometimes we will notice some records do not fully post/get included in the depreciation journals. There are hundreds of thousands of fixed assets with many different number sequences such as:


This seems to mainly be an issue for users who have migrated from AX 2012 to D365 as this logic originates in D365.

A couple workarounds identified would be:
- Rename the asset ID to have consistent separators. This will only be achievable if the amount of assets are limited.
- Run the depreciation several times to group the different sets of separator patterns as mentioned in the Docs: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/finance/fixed-assets/number-books-per-journal
Category: Fixed assets



With D365, the Fixed asset application to process depreciation via a batch job was new functionality as this was not available in AX2012. In order to use this new functionality in D365, there is now a new requirement where the fixed asset ids should not have different separators in order to include all assets being processed with a batch job. In AX2012, this was not a requirement but now if trying to use the batch job functionality to process all assets, you need to process a separate batch job for each type of separator. Processing depreciation via a batch job now becomes a tedious task for a client upgrading from AX2012 to D365 containing at least 90,000 assets having at least 30 different types of separators for the fixed asset ids. If one batch job is submitted, it will skip assets in the process, causing to have to submit another batch job to pick up the skip assets. The recommended way of processing a batch job for each type of separator in our case is unfeasible because that would be needing to submit 30 depreciation batch jobs each month. It is also unfeasible to be able to change the asset ids to meet the new requirement. The batch job functionality should take into consideration assets being upgraded from AX2012

Category: Fixed assets