In AX2012 an option was available to configure a startup message. Every user connecting to the environment will be prompted with a startup message, configured in the AXC file.
These messages are important to make sure users (and admins) are aware when they are connected to a database other than the expected database. Preferably this message would be stored din the database. When the database below an environment is switched, a different message should appear.
Any other solution to make more clear what database is being used (for example by a different color, or message bar) are also welcome...
Both work-arounds are unreliable, as they rely on the users to configure either the add-on or the colour. It would be good to be able to impose visual environment differentiation as it is done in CE.
Category: User Experience
As a workaround, you may use the following Chrome extension
Category: User Experience
Could this not be achieved by modifying the User Options to show a different color when in the production, stage or development environments? This is what we do
Category: User Experience
Jason Green (administrator) on 12/1/2017 10:49:45 AM
Title was: Startup message, for environments outside PRODUCTION
Title changed to: Better differentiation for non-production environments
Differentiation between environments using color, icon, message, etc is something that is on the backlog.