Goal: To create a possibility to store contact persons who work for several companies or have worked for them in the past within Dynamics in such a way that no independent duplicates are created.

Status today: In today's Dynamics, the contact person is a separate object to the account; there is therefore a 1:1 link. In the case that one assumes that a contact person is only relevant for one account and/or a historical view of which companies a contact person was active in which functions, e.g. in the past, offers no added value, this is certainly a valid method. However, it does not take into account the specifics of B2B but is more oriented towards a B2C area.

What is missing? The following constellations from daily business cannot be mapped with the above-mentioned architecture, for example –
• A contact person is relevant for several accounts as a contact person, if he/she works at two locations, for example, or performs different functions at different accounts - either a duplicate must be created, or one "agrees" on which account the contact person works at, which seems to be difficult in the case of a department-wide use –
• A contact person with function X in company 1 leaves company 1 to take over function Y in company 2. If, for example, a buyer with whom you have worked well changes employer, an "opportunity" may arise to acquire a new customer. Although it is not necessary to create a duplicate directly here, as the contact person receives new data such as mail address, location, etc., the link to the history is no longer there, unless it is stored somewhere by hand.

Idea: It should only be possible to create the contact person if it is based on a neutral data record - the "external person". This data record can consist of little information; the gender, first name and last name and a supplementary indicator whether the external person is active (e.g. in case of death, all linked objects can be taken into account) are sufficient here. This gives you the opportunity to create contact persons on several accounts without creating real duplicates, since the underlying database comes together in one place and can be viewed qualitatively. In this way, you are able to set contact persons with function X in company 1 to inactive and to create them with function 2 in company 2; the data record of the external person behind it combines both in a way that can be evaluated.
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