At present, the functionality "web view" is limited to emails sent by a journey. For ease of testing, I would like to be able to use this when using the test send functionality.

Category: Email
Under Review



We also need this feature for testing. We manage multiple properties, and we need to streamline the QA process. Regards

Category: Email


Yes, this is very important for us as well. We utilize this method for testing and internally sharing emails, as it is significantly more efficient than sending test emails to multiple addresses. Additionally, storing the test emails in various systems is easier with the URL.

Category: Email


This is very important. We need this as a feature for testing and sending internally for feedback.

Category: Email


We also need this - we use the web preview links to share the emails for review with other departments of the business without access to Dynamics. Currently, we have to send a journey to just myself to get the link to share. Would be so much easier to have this also in test sends.

Category: Email