Replacement order created for the returned sales order should consider the Delivery date control and Lead time , this replacement order is as same as new sales order , where the lead time is considered
repro below
1 Prerequisite: Delivery date control set to ATP or ATP and issue margin in AR parameters , lead time say 30 days
2 Create a new item with storage dim group with site, warehouse and location
3 Set default site and warehouse to site 1 and warehouse 13 on default order settings
4 Adjust on-hand to 10
5 Create a sales order with the new item, line quantity 10 and unit price 100 on customer US-004 , delivery date in the SO , updated today+30 days
6 Post pickinglist, update pickinglist registration, post packing slip and invoice the sales order
7 Create a return order for customer US-004
8 Use function Find sales order, and select invoice created
9 Click OK
10 In the New group, select Replacement order
11 In the Create sales order dialog, click OK
12 On the sales order line created, open Line details > Delivery
( it will be updated as today only , and does not consider the Lead time )
13 Check the delivery dates. Expected result is todays date+ATP time fence. Actual result todays date.
14 Open simulate delivery dates
15 First available date without warning is todays date + ATP time fence.
replacement order should consider the lead time for proper delivery planning. this Correction is required.