Project ID / Inventory Recalculation / Accounting Source Explorer

When a inventory value for a part is adjusted. It is expected that such value adjustments (cost adjustments) will flow down to the subsequent transactions (Inventory "Issues" Transactions). For Example: If the part is shipped it will adjust the COGS. If the Part is issued to WO the cost is adjusted to WO. If the Part is issued to a Project then cost is adjusted to the project. System is able to update the costs correctly.

However, when you check the details of the adjustment entries using Accounting Source Explorer. The system is checking the 1st (issued transaction - first project ID) and showing the same project ID it on other subsequent transactions 2nd, 3rd issue transactions even though the 2nd and 3rd issue transactions are for a different Project IDs).

This extraction is misleading to do financial analysis and profitability on the projects as the data extracted is with incorrect Project IDs.

It will required to have the correct Project IDs extracted correctly for these adjustment transactions to add value to Accounting Source Explorer.
Category: Development
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Similar issue in the Project journal also, system is picking the only the 1st lines reference (Project ID) for all the lines where the other lines have different Project IDs.

Category: Development