I think it would be a very handy feature if the (new) functionality of Price Lists can be edited in Excel. This because I've noticed that a price list can exist of many lines and Excel might make it easier to create an overview or to adjust prices faster. I know it is possible to import date in a price list through configuration packages but I believe that editing in Excel straight from the same page is more user friendly.
Category: Sales
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Category: Sales


I dont see any other "easy to use" functionality, that the end-user can use, to maintain prices. Edit in excel is an awesome way to quickly maintain data, and one of the best sellingpoints for Business Central.

Can we get this done asap please?

Category: Sales


Edit in Excel should a be a default feature in many sub-form pages and worksheets. This should not need a developer to add this functionality.

Category: Sales


This is a very good idea! I also have customers asking for this exact feature, and they do not understand why it is not implemented in such a new feature from the start.

Category: Sales