In Japan, usually, closing fiscal period monthly. It is called ‘月次締’.
The process as for the accelarated depreciation is as following:
1. Each month, post regular depreciation and all other transactions, and then close the month.
2. In the end of the year, when the last month is not yet closed, calculate total overuse hours for an asset, create an accelerated depreciation document.
3. Post accumulated accelerated depreciation for the year based on the data of the accelerated depreciation document. It should be posted on the last day of the year, that is, in a not yet closed month.
4. Close the last month of the year and the year itself.
The problem is that the accelerated depreciation proposal generates monthly accelerated depreciation transactions for already closed months of the year (if configured the depreciation profile for accelerated depreciation with Period frequency = Fiscal period.), which fail when being posted due to closed periods.
In this business scenario, we would like to record excess hours every month and not post monthly, and have a “Summarize depreciation” option when posting accelerated depreciation on the last day of the year, so that, even having the frequency of accelerated depreciation as “Monthly”, they could post it yearly.