When the Shopify connector receives sales orders with shipping charges, it creates a line with type "G/L Account" and the account number indicated in the field "Shipping Charges Account" of the Shopify Shop.

But sometimes the charges are not treated as an account, they can be an "Item (Charge)", an item or a resource.

So it would be necessary a new field in the card to select the type (G/L Account, Resource, Item, Charge) and depending on this, the "Shipping Charges No," will open the related table.

Finaly, when the order is created, the shipping charge line will be with the new type and number.

Category: Sales
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback.

This feature was implemented through a GitHub contribution (https://github.com/microsoft/ALAppExtensions/issues/26708) and will be released as part of 2024 wave 2.

The Business Central Team



Please MS, do it.

Category: Sales