While working in the dark, at night or in situations with little light, I would love to choose a color theme in the user options which would switch the user interface into a dark mode.
The whole office apps support dark mode, teams is dark as well, the only blinding application is still D365 :)
Category: User Experience
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As a workaround use the option to force dark mode on the browser, both edge and chrome have this options: edge:/flags or chrome:/flags then lookup and enable: #enable-force-dark. Like you said, it's straining on the eyes when working late, especially when 90% of all other apps and dektop functions do switch to dark mode. I hope this feature makes it :)

Category: User Experience


Thanks Thomas!!

Category: User Experience


After posting this idea, I actually found a workaround using Microsoft Edge:

- open edge://flags/
- type dark into the search
- enable "Force Dark Mode for Web Contents"

now everything is dark :)

Category: User Experience