We need to be able to provide a localized site map for our e-commerce website.

Requirements are :

  • Support for special charaters like accented letter : é / è ....
  • Having the site map use the same url than the web site.
  • If we use the category friendly names for the navigation the site map should use that too (it's not the case currently)

Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thanks for the submission.  This is something we would like to do in the future using automated site maps; currently the workaround is to manually manage your sitemaps by using the media library in site builder (and creating a domain-specific/localized URL in site builder that points to your uploaded sitemap file).  Instructions for this workaround method can be found here: Manage SEO metadata - Commerce | Dynamics 365 | Microsoft Learn, with the additional step of creating a custom URL in your site to point to the sitemap (instead of using the default URL as described in the documentation steps).  Please continue to upvote this if folks want us to prioritize this for the automated sitemap generation option, and we will continue to evaluate against other backlog priorities with this feedback in mind.



Having the site map us the same url as the website ultimately helps in SEO. As multiple localization is available for Ecommerce for different languages around the world, this will be helpful for many customers.

Category: Content management and Authoring