Vendor who are sole proprietors use their SSN for their 1099’s. This field isn’t able to be masked and this is a problem with compliance which has been fixed in HR/Payroll. My suggestion is to create the ability to mask the Tax ID field for vendors similar to the way it's done for HR/Payroll...vendor maintenance window, reports, etc.
Needs Votes



FYI - We submitted a Microsoft support ticket on this, as it's actually a legal requirement compliance issue. We were told that the only way (using Standard functionaliy) was to use security roles to show/hide the Federal Tax ID field on the Vendor. However, that field may contain an SSN or EITN, or - just a standard EIN. It is neither necessary nor required to hide if the number is an EIN.

This puts undue burdon on the customer to either hide the field entirely to all but only a few roles, or - to perform a custom modification to hide or mask the Federal Tax ID field (only) when the Tax ID Type is SSN or EITN.

Microsoft should make this a standard parameter-based option in configs, so that the Federal Tax ID number will be masked (***-**-1234) when Tax ID Type = SSN or EITN.

Category: Financials - Accounts Payable