Currently the Receip Margin in Master Planning are applying to the same receive margin across all demands.  Is there way that we can utlize query to create differnet receive margin per demand types?  

The Use Case are when you are omnichannel across Wholesale, Retail, and Direct (website).

  • Wholesale Key Accounts - the receive margin for wholesale order might be higher as there might be some Value Added Services that you need to do for your key accounts

  • Wholesale Speciaty Accounts (smaller wholesale accounts) - the receive margin could be close to Just in Time inventory model.

  • Retail Store Allocation - the receive margin for retail store would be higher than website as you need the inventory send out to retail store earlier to setup the store

  • Direct to Customer (website) - the receive margin could be close to Just in Time inventory model.

The Receive Margin can be find in below path:
Master Planning -> Setup -> Plans -> Master Plan -> Create a new Master Plan -> Safety Margin in days section -> Receipt margin added to required field

Category: Planning
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback.

Currently this is not in our roadmap; however, we are tracking it and if we get more feedback and votes, we may consider it in the future.


Christian Rytt

