There�s some relationship visibility between the separate �Opportunities <-> Quotes <-> Orders <-> Invoices� within the Sales Menu area of the respective Entity for some but not all. There is no way of going back from the Invoice to Order however what would be better is the full lifecycle visibility from Opportunity all the way through to Invoices.
EG from the �>Sales� menu
Opportunity can see: Orders, Invoices. But not Quotes
Quotes can see: Orders. But not Opportunity, Invoices
Order can see: Invoices. But not Opportunity, Quotes.
Invoices can�t see anything in the Life Cycle such as Opportunity, Quotes, Orders, Invoices

Category: General
Ideas Administrator

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The requirement you have can be achieved with form customization, as we already have OOB relationships between these entities. This is by design and not a gap in functionality. Thank you.

Category: General


I'm slightly baffled by this one, since all the "sales cycle" entities are linked to a parent Opportunity by default (ie if you create an Order it will have the same Opportunity as it's parent as the originating Quote did), and in each case they are linked to the predecessor ie on an Invoice you can see the Order it came from, then on the Order the Quote it came from etc. You may want to customise the forms to make these fields more prominent and placed consistently, but all the relationships are already there.

Category: General