Often in manufacturing with catch weights, indirect costs are on the catch weight unit, such as a carton fee or per head fee in animal processing. Unfortunately the costing sheet doesn't support catch weights. For example the output unit based has subtypes for quantity, weight or volume but not catch weight. For catch weight items the quantity is usually the weight. So as an improvement, for catch weight items the quantity should refer the catch weight quantity or an additional subtype of catch weight should be available.
Category: Cost Management
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Moreover, lots of customers want to add indirect component costs due to logistic handling. Often, the weight is an entry point to manage this surcharge. Unfortunately, the Weight option in the Costing sheet refers to the net weight, although logistics cost are based on the gross weight, that can be very different than the net weight.
Currently, the code is locked and we cannot even add an extension, although it seems to be easy to add new options in the costing sheet framework.
The standard output unit based subtype list should definitively be extended.

Category: Cost Management