Currently, avenues for incident types are as below.
1. Creating incident type from model-driven app
2. Uploading incident types through importing
3. improving Incident type through AI suggestions

While creating a work order for which no specific Incident type is available (consider a situation when the customer has recently implemented D365 FS and they don't have incident types already imported), the person creating the work order can add characteristics, products, services, and service tasks. Post completion of the work order, the user feels that the combination of characteristics, products, services, and service tasks can be pushed as an incident type for later reuse.

At this moment, if the user has ready functionality to create an Incident type from a work order, it would save loads of time in re-creating the incident type from scratch. Work order type, characteristics, products, services, and service tasks can be pushed from the work order to the new incident type, and the user can then append other generic details to save the Incident type.
Category: Work order
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