For developer oneboxes (deployed recently) the Autoclose setting for AxDB is set to true. This leads into the situation that if you backup this database and restore it as a copy to prepare a golden configuration database for promotion to UAT/Prod environments following the steps explained at https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/fin-ops-core/dev-itpro/database/dbmovement-scenario-goldenconfig you and up with a database copy that is not accessible because it remains in "Recovery" mode, showing "Starting up database" in the SQL server error log forever again and again.
The issue can be solved by setting the Autoclose option to false by the following command "ALTER DATABASE [AxDB_Golden] SET AUTO_CLOSE OFF WITH NO_WAIT;", this is necessary as DB options are not accessible from SSMS GUI as long as DB is in Recovery.
AxDB itself is set to Autoclose = True, therefore the restored copy has the same setting.
The question is if AxDB itself can be deployed from the LCS template with Autoclose = false. If not, then the step to change the restored copy has to be mentioned at the instructions page mentioned above.
Category: General
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Just had to deal with a failed v10.0.17 update deployment caused by AxDB ending up in a Recovery state loop which it could not get out of because of AutoClose being enabled (wait over 2 hours to see it was going resolve on its own accord). Finally I ran the query (ALTER DATABASE [AxDB] SET AUTO_CLOSE OFF WITH NO_WAIT;) and it completed Recovery within a few minutes. I was then able to resume the failed deployment at step 20 in LCS.

There's really no good use case for for AxDB to default to AutoClose enabled.

Category: General