It is possible to update period status for some modules e.g. Ledger, Fixed Assets but not possible for Budgeting.
The budget register entry update requires the relevant periods open. And the budgets could be updated, revised in any time of the year for any periods. At the same time, the past periods need to be kept on hold, as nothing should be posted to the closed periods.

So i suggest adding the Budgeting among the modules on the ledger calendar to allow updating the period status only for that area.
Category: General Ledger
Needs Votes



So as a workaround this would be for the moment ok, but the provided solution is not practical within the real live!


  1. User Group
  2. You have to maintain this user group and with entering and leaving of employees there is a big chance of forgetting someone.
  3. To open or close a period with a user group for only one module is quite a lot of work

1. First you need to open the whole period

2. You need to enter the user group à this needs to be done once per period, and 12 times per legal entity …

3. You have to block all other 14 modules l once per period and 12 times per legal entity

4. Once the budget is finished you have to reverse all those settings.

5. In the time when the budgeting is ongoing, all the user of this user group can post transactions in a future year


So over all we think this isn’t a smart and stable solution, ok for a work around but not usable for a long time usage of this module.


Microsoft has added some time ago this new module budget, but it seems they didn't finish the integration.

Category: General Ledger


We are also facing the same problem. I hope this will be considered in the near future

Category: General Ledger


We are facing a similar requirement in our project. The client is requesting a modification to separate the Budgeting module, and allow for it to be put on hold, without affecting GL posting abilities. Auditors requirements also

Category: General Ledger


This is something required. Not a good option to keep the period open from an audit point of view

Category: General Ledger