Tracing and clarifying differences between the VAT Return (preview) and the figures reported in the VAT Return is difficult.

Usually you should rely on the "Open" flag in the VAT Entries and the Entry No. which actually closed the VAT Entries.

But the problem with this is that the "Calculate and Post VAT Entries" batch is technically independ from the VAT Return suggestion/submission

It would be good to have some kind of Register to store the VAT Entries that are included in a certain VAT Return.

For example: fill the Register when the VAT Return Lines are suggested.

Or have field in the VAT Entries where the VAT Return No. is stored at the time the entries are suggested.

Needs Votes



see also


Category: Geographies and Localization


It would also be good to have a report on top of this, with totals per Box. No. and a break down to the entries.

.. not per period, but per VAT Return ...

REP 11 VAT - G/L Reconciliation is also good, but serves a different need and can also not be created "per VAT Return", but just per period

Category: Geographies and Localization