We are a UK company with a Pound Sterling base currency in D365. However we have sales teams around the world who are targetted in their own local currency. Currently the Forecasting works only in the system's base currency but we want, for example, our US team to be able to see their forecast represented in their own local currency - US Dollars. Their Opportunities are in this currency but their forecasts are converted to Pound Sterling.

Furthermore the conversion from the Opportunities' US Dollar currency to the Pound Sterling base currency uses an arbitrary exchange rate over which we have no control - why can it not use the exchange rate that we set in the system?

We don't imagine that we are the only customer using multiple currencies and wanting these to be reflected in forecasts. Is there a plan to improve multi-currency support so that Forecasts and the Flows that form part of the Sales Insights module (which we also use) can have currencies specified to suit the users to whom they relate?
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There is an option to enable Multi-Currency on the forecast but it is useless since it calculates the value in real time. Since we regularly update the Currency conversion tables the values that are stored against the Opportunity are valid for that point in time whereas the forecast will show an incorrect value as it is based on the current configuration. Either make the currency tables date based or use the values actually stored against the record to display an accurate point in time representation. I had hoped to abandon all of our current processes for forecasting but this stopped me and Dynamics forecasting is completely useless as it works currently.

Category: Forecasting, Goals, and Territories