Manage personalizations at the organization level with views - A small suggestion for improvement to published views

We would like to publish and pin the view per menu item but unfortunately whenever menu items are sharing the same table, the published views will overide themself.

E. g. creating a saved view in the invoice approval and publishing it leads to default view of this view also in fixed assets and general journal (all of them are sharing the LedgerJournalTable). The problem is, however, that each menu item requires different views with a different structure of information and column layout and that it is very confusing if the general ledger displays a separate view from the accounts payable module by default and vice versa.

It should be possible to publish 1 view per menu item. Every menu item has its own requirements and structure. So we suggest that the published views be linked to the menu items or the corresponding work masks instead oft he table.

Then there should be no more unwanted overlaps between the different published views showing all data from the same table. And as a small side effect, one could read MS's handouts on published views with more serenity.





We were planning to provide every functional unit means APs, Clerks, ARs, Orderer etc. a standarized and customized view per menu item. We would have liked to publish and pin the view per menu item but unfortunately whenever menu items are sharing the same table, the published views will overide themself.It would be immense helpful if we could get a possibility to make the saved views specific to modules and not to the table.

Category: Organization administration