There is an issue where data cannot be exported from Dynamics 365 to Azure SQL server.

I contacted Dynamics 365 support and received the following response.


We have investigated and found that after upgrading the environment or restoring the database, the table that manages the tables with change tracking enabled on the DIXF side and the table that manages the tables with change tracking enabled on the DIXF side do not match the actual change tracking We have confirmed that this is an error that occurs in cases where the values of the settings are not synchronized. In this case, it is necessary to disable and then enable change tracking in order to synchronize the settings on the DIXF side with those in the database, which is why this message is displayed.

We regret to inform you that there is no plan to fix this issue at this time. If you would like to request a fix, please send a post to IDEAS requesting a fix for this issue.

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Category: Dataverse
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