It would be great to make this information more viewable and actionable by our business users. All of this intel is locked into very badly formatted or organized text files with no real way to extract and make it actionable by the correct business stakeholders. It would be great to have a way to get this in to a formatted structure, and quite possibly out to the Data Lake so that you can do something meaningful with the messages by creating actionable reports and information. We have a couple million dollars in actionable operation stoppage because of release to warehouse, invoicing, and other batch processes that work. At several sites / warehouses we have reverted back to having users go thru manually order by order by hand because of the way these logs are currently constructed, reducing efficacy by 30-40% because they have do the operation manually versus using the automated batch process.
Category: User Experience
I agree with all of the previous posts. It's a problem when the root cause to the Error cannot be found, just because it sits outside of the 1000 limit.And to add insult to injury, the message states "This result has too many messages to show.Please try again with fewer selections." while there is no way to apply fewer selections!
Category: User Experience
This is a major issue for "Automatic release of sales order" to warehouse process. For each release we have several under order and thousands of lines which fills up the log fast. I have customers complaining that their sales orders are not being delivered. This is all because the batch job log is not able to tell me which sales orders are in error, so I don't know which orders require correction.
Category: User Experience
This affects batch jobs as well, where they process hundreds of orders but only show infolog results from the first 30. Please correct this!
Category: User Experience
When dealing with more Infolog entries, I wish I was able to navigate from the simple list to a much larger and powerful form. It would make easier to work with multiple records and it could show extra details (e.g. timestamp of each message).
I also want:
- ability to search in messages
- infolog actions (navigation to the related form, record, field)
- export
- maybe also direct e-mail / bug report with additional details (environment name, user name, timestamp, correlation ID...) which would with debugging
And the form should be extensible, so we can add more features depending on customers' needs.
Category: User Experience
Administrator on 8/29/2022 10:01:27 PM
No current plans to implement this at this time. The recommendation for processes that produce large numbers of infolog notifications is to store those messages in a table, where the rows can be filtered, sorted, and exported as needed.