Dynamics should allow us to post a Purchase Invoice against a drop shipment Purchase Order prior to posting a Sales Invoice against the related Sales Order. This is the general business process flow, so it is illogical for Dynamics to block us from processing transactions the way business works.
Category: Purchasing
Under Review
Ideas Administrator

Thank you for your feedback. We are adding it to our roadmap.

Andrei Panko
PM, Microsoft



Is there still no news in this matter? Our customers have to create imaginative workarounds that create a lot of additional workload, just to handle a drop shipment which should actually decrease workload.The business process of selling to a customer and receiving his payment is totally separated from the process of ordering from a vendor and paying his invoice. It is illogical to make the posting of the purchase invoice depend on receiving the payment for the sales order in the first place. In my opinion this is a mistake and should finally be corrected.

Category: Purchasing


Extremely common scenario with clients and often this limitation is why we DON'T use drop shipments. Let's make this happen!

Category: Purchasing


I understand why drop ships were designed this way, most likely to ensure the customer pays you before you pay the vendor, however, in a real life scenario, whether the customer pays or does not pay -- we are still liable to pay the vendor after we receive confirmation the drop ship has been shipped.It's been 4 years since this idea has been submitted.We need to be able to voucher the PO for dropships regardless if the SO has been invoiced or not.Thanks,Thuy

Category: Purchasing


Dear Microsoft,this idea 3 years old, and has 139 votes. What is the plan/roadmap? How much votes you need? This topic is in our opinion very important.Please put that on the roadmap!

Category: Purchasing


The described scenarios are also valid for our company.

Category: Purchasing


Here's a good example of when a PO needs to be invoiced before the SO is invoiced.

Sales Order:
1. 1 dropship line that will be shipped directly from the vendor to the customer at 11/1/2021
2. 3 lines that will be shipped from warehouse to customer 12/1/2021

Customer doesn't want separate invoices for the sales order and wants to be invoiced for all four lines once all lines are completely shipped. This means AP cannot voucher until the sales order is invoiced.

Category: Purchasing


Another point which could be helpful in this context:

The customer does not see the shipment-number from our mandant, when the shipment is a drop shipment. The papers only show the shipment-number/and purchase-order-number of our vendor. Could you please implement the copying prozess from purchase to sales for this information? Then the vendor shipment-number could be printed on the sales invoice and the customer can connect the shipment to the invoice.

Otherwise the customers often have problems to connect the right shipment to the invoices.


Category: Purchasing


From our point of view it's definetly a very good point, too. The main intention for drop shipment processes is to use it for some kind of destination management of shipments.

Many of our customers do not use the standard drop shipment due to the posting concept of the functionality. It's to complex to work in a process like that. Also the cancelation of a process like that is not really supported well.

So please put a very helpful improvement like this on the general roadmap.

Category: Purchasing


This change request would help a lot !

We have more than 70 % Drop Shipments and have big struggles with the purchase invoice posting.

My suggestion would be:
Microsoft will make a new setting in the Purchases & Payables Setup. There could be the following field for drop shipments:
Allow purchase invoice posting before sales invoice posting (answer: true/false)

Then every mandant can choose his own way.

Category: Purchasing


This is a very common business model we have seen with customers. They don't invoice the customer until they have captured all the cost of the purchase (IE: shipping, change in price, recycling fees, etc). Then they invoice the customer after all purchase transactions are complete.

We have had to do several times it is to use the special order ability instead of the dropship ability. Then on receiving the special order PO, ship the sales order using custom code.

Would love this to be stock.

Category: Purchasing

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