Agree - this is a huge pain point for us. We have over 100 legal entities and analyze each one individually. It is very challenging to get visibility into the original entry. We have to click one by one and go through related vouchers to get to source. We have not been successful in finding a report that can provide this information. If someone has a better way to do this please let me know.
I think, security concerns could be addressed in BC by implementing a check when adding a "Run As"-User ID into a job queue entry which ensures that the current user account has at least the permission scope that the "Run As"-User ID has. Such check already exists in the user account management area of BC e.g. whenever you add permission sets to a user account. You cannot give more permissions than you have with the current account/User ID.BTW: Seems that Dynamics Finance and Operations already has the possibility to define a "Run-As User ID" in the batch job management. Not sure how they handle the security topic, but you could surely find this out within Microsoft.