Experimenting with Editable sub-grids in both the web refresh client and in the UCI client, I've noticed two discrepancies in the behaviour of Editable sub-grid look-ups in the two interfaces. Firstly, when configuring the look-ups in the editable sub-grid control, there is a tick box labelled "Users can turn off filter". This appears to be respected by the Web Refresh implementation of the editable grid control, but appears to be ignored in the UCI implementation. Secondly, where multiple look-ups are used to filter the options avaiable in different columns of the grid, in the Web Refresh implementation, setting the value in the first column then causes the second column to show the correctly filtered values without saving the sub-grid (i.e. clicking save icon in the top right of the editable sub-grid). In the UCI implementation, in order to apply the filter to the second look-up, you first need to click the save icon in the editable sub-grid in-between each field. With these issues outstanding, I don't think an editable sub-grid control with look-ups is usable in the UCI client, adn we can't claim parity between the two interfaces.

Category: Asset quality
Needs Votes
Ideas Administrator

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